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Using APC PHP cache speeding PHP

You can find this one locate the PHP source files. The source file. In particular, it is not surprising, but you when you deploy your PHP applications, you put what should I think? PHP source files. When you deploy your application now, and many other languages, Java, C, etc. You will deploy the compiled file. So, if you compile your code consumes how many time hapnikkaeul VS running, PHP application source file is the problem you want to ask? For you to answer many of these I have.

However, the original file has the advantage that can be deployed. It fixes and bug fixes as soon as the program can be completed in our early BASIC language used is easy to do. Just change the file can be accessed, and the changes will be reflected the next time. So, how do we maintain the dynamic nature of PHP, but you have access to our files recompile every time?

PHP cache. This concept is built on the basic PHP engine does not surprise me that some companies in proportion with PHP you can add probably because sales. Luckily for us, some companies / open source project to provide a plug-in for free PHP. This plug-in PHP accelerator typically, some of them as part of some optimization and caching, the cache is not known. I have one of the best and one of them will not pass judgment nothing're better, but I'm APC, the Alternative PHP Cache has decided to use. Actively in the development of open-source and free, and so I chose this one.

Others want to find the left column of the APC cache can be found at PHP. It is available in source form, so you do not worry about that part, it must be compiled before installation. I tell you exactly how Red Hat you if you are using 4 CentOS4. If you are using something else, you need a tool like, but to get a tool that can be slightly different.

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